Natalie Joy's Musings


To our Ottawa audience

If any of you who saw 52 Pick-up wish to submit a review, comments, criticism, or anything of the like, please feel free to post a comment to this blog or email me at I'll try to post your comments on our website.

Oh, and if you REALLY enjoyed the show, you can vote for 52 Pick-up as Best of Venue for the Studio Leonard-Beaulne... this would give us an extra show on the last day of the festival.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you Ottawa!

The Ottawa Fringe attendance is WAY up this year. Most shows are doing really really well at drawing people, which is amazing. Stewart and I were a little nervous about our opening night of 52 Pick-up. We had no idea what the house would look like. To our delight, it was packed.. a full house (pardon the pun) for our opening night! It felt great to perform the show to such an energetic audience. They wanted to laugh, and boy, they did! Thank you so much to everyone who attended the opening night show. It really made our day!

Sable and Batalion had an amazing opening night show as well, almost selling out their 130 seat venue. They're not going to have any problems getting audiences at the Ottawa Fringe.

It's 9:56am, Stewart is still in bed and I'm wide awake though need another 24 hours of sleep. He and I have to plan our workshop that we're offering at the Ottawa Fringe and clean the apartment. There's a good possibility that TJ Dawe, the author of our play, will be coming to see the show tonight or tomorrow... and crashing on our couch! I hope it goes well!