Due to circumstances beyond my control, Enigma Productions won't be touring "52 Pick-up" to Winnipeg. Since we had to cancel that leg of the tour, Stewart and I decided to cancel the whole Fringe tour (past Ottawa)... to save us the financial/emotional stress and risk.
We're really quite upset about the whole thing. Stewart will still be directing and SMing for Screwed and Clued in Montreal and Ottawa, but won't get to tour with Justin or see many of his Canadian friends this summer. I, hopefully, will still be SMing for Sable and Batalion in Montreal/Ottawa/Toronto, but nothing has been confirmed on that end yet. I was really looking forward to a summer of hanging out and working with Jerome and Eli, but I might have to settle for only a couple of weeks of hip-hop fun.
It's so weird, how quickly everything changed. As much as we're upset about shortening our tour, we're kind of excited at the idea of having some downtime. I'll get to relax and, hopefully, get ahead on my MFA readings. Stewart won't have to quit his job, which will look better on the immigration application. It's all a blessing in disguise... at least, that's what I'm telling myself so that I don't get too depressed!
We're really quite upset about the whole thing. Stewart will still be directing and SMing for Screwed and Clued in Montreal and Ottawa, but won't get to tour with Justin or see many of his Canadian friends this summer. I, hopefully, will still be SMing for Sable and Batalion in Montreal/Ottawa/Toronto, but nothing has been confirmed on that end yet. I was really looking forward to a summer of hanging out and working with Jerome and Eli, but I might have to settle for only a couple of weeks of hip-hop fun.
It's so weird, how quickly everything changed. As much as we're upset about shortening our tour, we're kind of excited at the idea of having some downtime. I'll get to relax and, hopefully, get ahead on my MFA readings. Stewart won't have to quit his job, which will look better on the immigration application. It's all a blessing in disguise... at least, that's what I'm telling myself so that I don't get too depressed!