Natalie Joy's Musings



My blog was down for a few days... so I apologize for the few people who actually want to read about the silliness that goes on in my life.

I'm still in Sudbury, on day 6 of 14, and I'm freakin' exhausted. Touring as a stage manager is not a horrible life... I wake up at 8:30am, shower, eat, do homework and reading until noon, go the theatre, rehearse until 4pm, break for dinner and rehearse from 6 to 10ish. It could be much worse... but I still have my cold which is making me cranky.

One of the biggest perks of doing this show is the opportunity to work with actress Annick Léger. She is, by far, one of the best and most versatile actresses I have ever seen. Rehearsing with her is a learning experience, but what's even more beneficial to me are our post-rehearsal talks. Even after a long day of rehearsing, Annick and I still love to get together and talk about the show. Our chats always extent to debates about theatre, acting, directing... she always shows me the other side of the coin, plays devil's advocate, encourages me to express my ideas... even if they are vague and incomplete. When I work with her, I feel like an artist again. As much as I love my MFA, school puts me in student mode... working with people like Annick and director Joel Beddows on Testament du couturier remind me of what it's like to be imaginative, creative and risky. I'm really tired, but I'm also really enjoying myself.

Bedtime now... more later!