Why is it that...
... I'd rather read the instruction manual of my new toaster/convection oven than do my homework?
... I've got a ton of things going for me, but I feel like I'm at a crossroads with too few options?
... I hate the play Lysistrata?
... I was accepted as a sponsor for Stewart's immigration the first time, but I have total anxiety that they'll refuse my sponsorship the second time?
... All I want to eat is chocolate?
... All I want to do is curl up on the couch and take a nap?
Do you think I'm in a funk? (... and not the good kind!)
... I've got a ton of things going for me, but I feel like I'm at a crossroads with too few options?
... I hate the play Lysistrata?
... I was accepted as a sponsor for Stewart's immigration the first time, but I have total anxiety that they'll refuse my sponsorship the second time?
... All I want to eat is chocolate?
... All I want to do is curl up on the couch and take a nap?
Do you think I'm in a funk? (... and not the good kind!)