Natalie Joy's Musings


I can't sleep

I've got deadlines zooming through my head. Print deadlines. Rehearsal deadlines. Set deadlines. Costume deadlines. Media deadlines. With all the stress involved in producing my upcoming production, there is one shining light: rehearsals have been going great! We worked through the first half of the show today beat by beat. It was also our first off-book day and it wasn't nearly as painful as it could have been. To be fair, I really don't know my lines as well as I should. I could always use the "I have a baby to take care of!" excuse, but that's lame. I could also use the "I've been so focused on directorial elements that I haven't had the time to learn my lines properly." excuse, but that would be even more lame.

All in all, the show is really shaping up. In my totally biased opinion, it's fast-paced, silly and just good fun. And I think it's a good sign that sometimes we still have to stop rehearsal for giggle fits. That means that we're still tickled by the text itself. If we're still amused by it, hopefully our audiences will be too. I just hope we don't all corpse onstage. There's a particular moment very early on in the show, where all of us keep losing it during rehearsal. It's during a very simple line delivered by Stewart Matthews, but it gets us all every time. I don't want to give it away. Besides, it probably wouldn't be nearly as funny written down like this.

We're 12 days before opening night. There. I've said it.



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