Natalie Joy's Musings


Beautiful smelly Toronto!

I'm in T-dot for the last leg of my short Fringe tour stage managing for Sable and Batalion. We drove in yesterday during the torrential downpour, arrived late for our technical rehearsal, did what we could of a tech when the equipment is from the 1800's, met up with CBC Newsworld for a TV interview and went to our individual billets. I'm staying at my sister's place WAY out in the east end of Toronto. It's not that bad. It's right near a subway station so I can get into town quite easily. There's a 24 hour grocery store just around the corner... but the best part about Toronto right now is... H&M is having a sale!!!! Sadly, I have no money right now, but I will get at least a bit of pleasure going through the racks and racks of very cool clothes they have.

I do plan on seeing a few shows at the Toronto Fringe this year... mostly touring shows that I didn't have a chance to catch in Ottawa or Montreal. The Toronto Fringe is so centered on itself... Something like 80% of the shows are local shows... where's the international focus in that? I've also found out that advance ticket sales have gone up 300% this year, so it's looking like any five star show will be difficult to see anyway.

I shouldn't be going out too much while in Toronto anyway. The second year of my MFA starts in about two months and I still have eight books to read and I have to choose my one-act for the first semester's production credit. Oh, did I also mention I have a wedding to plan and mounds of immigration paperwork to fill out?