Natalie Joy's Musings


Migrainy on Mother's Day

It usually happens like this. Once I get a tiny bit of time off, my body rebels and I either get a cold or a major migraine. Neither one makes me particularly happy.

The plus side to the illness is that I do have more time off! Which means my participation in The Real Thing is finally done. Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot doing this show. But five consecutive 10 hour days in the theatre doing essentially nothing can really bore a girl. Now I can move on to writing my practicum report, studying for my final and getting ready for the Fringe. Oh, and move out of my apartment. And fill out all of the change of address forms. And call to cancel all the utilities. And cook and clean and run my husband's life. And pack. And look for work for next year. And cry about the Senators being out of the playoffs. And maybe eat something. And, if I have time, sleep. After all, rest helps to heal what ails you.