A candid photo of Pat Gauthier and Gavriella Silverstone... I think Pat wanted some lovin'... Gav wanted her beverage instead.

Oooh... pretty colors.

My friend and overall multi-talented fellow, Marc Connor.

More friends enjoying themselves - Pierre Simpson, Pier Rodier, Dalelle Mensour.

Stewart and me near the end of the evening... getting sleepy.

My adorable parents, Brenda and Jean-Guy.

We were trying to take a picture, but my Dad decided that Stewart should meet some members of his family... you can just see Stewart's leg as he is carried off by my father. I'm left holding Stewart's beer.

Salsa dancing with my bro-in-law Julio.

Smelling my flowers to distract myself from the impending doom of marriage.

Stewart and I figuring out that we're screwed and there's no turning back... we're stuck with each other.

Danielle and Michelle James... singing like they're one person.

Good friends Olivier Nadon and Josée Bazinet.

Kris Joseph's touching and funny rendition of a Shakespearean sonnet.
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