Finally some time off and what do I get?
Multiple rainy days in a row and massive headaches!!!!
Cloud 9 is officially over and done with. My only commitment at Algonquin for the rest of the semester is doing a bit of monologue coaching, which should end next week. I've finally embarked on my four month semi-break before motherhood kicks in. The only paid work I've got is stage managing for the Magnetic North Director's Masterclass, directing The Churchill Protocol for a cross-Canada Fringe tour, performing every once and a while for Eddie May and selling program ads for the Ottawa Fringe. So other than having a three week span in June that'll be a little nuts, I've got next to nothing on the agenda which leaves me plenty of time to worry about my financial situation, freak out about the incomplete nursery and panic about parenthood. Oh, and maybe I'll have time to read a book or two as well!
Cloud 9 is officially over and done with. My only commitment at Algonquin for the rest of the semester is doing a bit of monologue coaching, which should end next week. I've finally embarked on my four month semi-break before motherhood kicks in. The only paid work I've got is stage managing for the Magnetic North Director's Masterclass, directing The Churchill Protocol for a cross-Canada Fringe tour, performing every once and a while for Eddie May and selling program ads for the Ottawa Fringe. So other than having a three week span in June that'll be a little nuts, I've got next to nothing on the agenda which leaves me plenty of time to worry about my financial situation, freak out about the incomplete nursery and panic about parenthood. Oh, and maybe I'll have time to read a book or two as well!
The nursery is actually taking shape quite nicely. Stewart and I bought a crib and a chest of drawers (thanks to Mum and Dad Matthews) and we finally took the time to register for baby stuff. (At Toys R Us and Sears, if any of you are curious to see cute baby things... and some odd things too.) Yesterday, Stewart and I tried to shop at the Home Depot for nursery related things, and all we came back with was a hungry tummy and 50$ worth of pine boards and brackets that Stewart still needs to cut, sand, stain and install. Makes me kinda wish we would have just bought the 80$ shelving unit at Ikea instead.
We're planning on seeing quite a few shows in the next couple of months (in part, thanks to Mom and Dad Quesnel for their gift of some awesome NAC flex passes), but now that I'll be taking a bit of a break from working the theatre scene, I feel even more hesitant to post any of my opinions or criticism. So I'll probably just do more yakking about my growing belly, swelling ankles and delivery concerns.
I'm really sorry if I'm boring some of you with all this baby talk... sometimes I annoy myself with it!
We're planning on seeing quite a few shows in the next couple of months (in part, thanks to Mom and Dad Quesnel for their gift of some awesome NAC flex passes), but now that I'll be taking a bit of a break from working the theatre scene, I feel even more hesitant to post any of my opinions or criticism. So I'll probably just do more yakking about my growing belly, swelling ankles and delivery concerns.
I'm really sorry if I'm boring some of you with all this baby talk... sometimes I annoy myself with it!
Labels: Baby Talk, Theatre Work
At 11:17 PM,
Natalie Joy said…
You're awesome Emilie!
And here I am wishing that you'd blog more about your interdisciplinary creations!
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