Natalie Joy's Musings


Oscars Schmoscars!

Is it weird of me to not give a flying leap about the overly-glitzy, way-too-long, not-that-entertaining awards show? I mean, sure, I watched 10 minutes of it to help put me to sleep at 11:30... and also out of curiosity to see if Ryan Gosling won for best actor... but not because I saw the movie and admired his performance... but simply out of semi-hometown pride, wondering if someone I'd once met when I was 10 years old won an Oscar and would mention good-old-Cornwall in his speech... yeah right!

Instead I went to Walmart with my hubby, made macaroni and cheese for dinner and watched 6 episodes of Angel on DVD while using acrylic paint and ribbons to decorate foam core boards for our baby's room. I had a major hormonal moment when Stewart wouldn't jump to his feet and make me a grilled cheese sandwich when I asked him. I spontaneously started sobbing in front of the toaster oven five minutes later. He had to, calmly, put me back on the couch with my glass of water and cheesy toast in hand and I, with blood sugar levels returning to normal, finally relaxed again a few minutes later. He didn't get angry with me once, good boy. I believe I even mentionned something ridiculous to the effect of "Well if mommy doesn't eat there won't be a baby will there?" amount the chaos.

I haven't been feeling well at all these past few days. I missed out on seeing two shows that I was looking forward to. Instead, I've been spending all my time doing small chores around the house and then recuperating from the huge loss of energy that occurs after doing said chores. I kinda feel like I'm getting a cold, but the symptoms never come.... so all I'm left with is a constant urge to lie in bed and avoid doing yoga.

Speaking of which, I should probably use my current energy boost to do some of that exercise stuff now. I'm exercising more now that I'm pregnant than when I wasn't. I guess it's supposed to help me deal with the body changes and with the delivery. The problem is I'm just as lazy now that I'm pregnant than when I wasn't!

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