Long time no blog
Wow... where did the time go? I thought I had blogged recently, but it's been over a week. I apologize to all of the three people who try to read my blog on a regular basis.
The reason I haven't written is that there's not much new to report. Pretty standard (and a lovely standard it is) on the fringe circuit. 52 Pick-up is getting great reviews and selling out each night, sometimes an hour in advance. Zombies is also doing well. Some of the critics don't get it... and give it stupid star ratings. Some of the audience doesn't get it and walks out in the middle of the show, banging the door loudly as they exit. Luckily, most people who stick through it really enjoy it. We've had consistent houses, though not sell-outs. What do you expect with a drama?
My parents were in Edmonton for five days to visit and it was great. Two of those days we had off, so we went to the West Edmonton Mall to go to the waterpark, eat lotsa food, shop and go ten-pin bowling... which I had to do with two hand because I'm a weak baby. Two of those nights we spent in my parents' hotel room eating pizza, drinking scotch and watching the television... it was heaven.
Very soon you won't be getting any blog postings from me for a long while. Starting on Monday I'm going camping in the Rockies for a week and a half before we go the Vancouver Fringe. I'm not sure how much I'm going to like "roughing it" but I've bought plenty of organic free-trade coffee and antibacterial wet-ones to keep me feeling like a city-girl.
Gotta go. Stewart and I have to babysit a one-year old for a friend of ours while she sees a show. I call it practice. Stewart calls it trying to keep a baby from crying for an hour.
At 9:37 PM,
Natalie Joy said…
Well, 52 Pick-up isn`t playing in Vancouver anyway. Just Zombies. We'll be arriving on the 7th. Give us a call later... Pat has my number.
At 5:29 PM,
Nancy Kenny said…
As one of the other three people who reads your blog on a regular basis, I just wanted to say congratulations on your success!
Oh, and thank you for letting me know in advance that there won't be any posts for a while. I'm much obliged.
At 3:18 PM,
Lisa said…
Make sure to give John and I a shout when you are in town. We'd love to see you and Stewart!
At 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great meeting you in Edmonton! I did visit Victoria and Vancouver after Edmonton, but am already back in NYC, so I won't see you again this fringe season. I think I forgot to get your e-mail addresses. Please e-mail me at tom@tomxchao.com if you get a chance. Best, TXC
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