No daughter of mine is going to fail any test!

I'm 40 weeks pregnant, plus 1 day. That means, technically, the baby's full term and could pop out at any second. (Wouldn't it be nice if it were as easy as it sounds?) I had an ultrasound today to measure her bio-physical profile... a routine test for babies at this stage... to make sure all her vitals and the environment she's floating in are all happy and healthy. She passed the test with flying colors and her estimated weight is 6lbs 11oz. I've still got a doctor's appointment tomorrow to review the results and probably schedule and induction for next week, though I hope I'll naturally start labour before then.
On another note, the Fringe show I directed (The Churchill Protocol) has been getting consistently great reviews across the country and will be at the Edmonton Fringe next week. Spread the word!!!
Labels: Baby Talk, Theatre Work
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