Natalie Joy's Musings


The journey back to England

To all of our friends... we wish to share some good news with you.

Stewart is going to return to England a bit earlier than expected, because he has a 60 day deadline to present himself at the Canada High Commission with his passport so he can be issued his Permanent Residence Visa!!! Wooot! He'll be out of the country for at least three weeks while it's being processed, but it's looking like it's a go... he'll be a permanent resident of Canada by the end of February!

Sigh - Sob - Relief.

Well, not total relief. Until he steps off that plane with the visa in hand, I'll still be slightly holding my breath. Expect the worst and you'll never be surprised.

I'll let y'all know when he leaves, and when he's returning.... I'm guessing a little welcome home party might be in order.


  • At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOOT! It's about time! YAYYYY!!

  • At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...unless, of course, they mistake him for a terrorist and ship him off to Syriah. He *is* shifty-lookin, ya know. :)

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger Natalie Joy said…

    Don't even joke about that Troy! That would be my worse nightmare!
    Oh wait, no, that's having to live with him for the rest of my life.



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