I'm getting old
Three days ago, I had a small knot in my back that wouldn't go away - even with Guy's expert massaging and Stewart's Reiki. Now, I'm spending nights waking up every three hours because of intense radiating pain in my back. What happened to the girl who would dance five times a week even after her doctor told her to stop because of chronically dislocating knees? That problem didn't even cause much pain the days following the injury. And now, a simple knot in my back has turned into the biggest pain I've had all year. And I get migraines... so you know my back is in a lot of pain!
Anywho, enough winging about my pain... on to winging about my day.
Here's what I need to take care of:
- Make adjustments to the 30thousanth-seven-twelveties version of ICARUS
- Print out two copies of said script
- Walk to the Rideau Centre to drop the scripts off to Stewart (He's meeting his dramaturg this evening... a week and a half before opening... hmmm?)
- Go over my lines for Survive This! the Eddie May show I'm performing tonight... with a bad back... oh, wait, I said I'd stop winging about that. sorry.
- Go over my lines for 52 Pick-up -- the media launch is this Tuesday and I'm presenting four scenes BY MY LONELY SELF!
- If I have time, finally sit down with one of my MFA readings. According to the schedule I made for myself, I need to read one more book this month. I guess I'd better get started on that eh?
- Oh, and I also have the standard clean-up after Stewart, do the dishes, empty the litter box and clean the floors.
You know, sometimes I really hate being a housewife/producer/student/actor! Makes me very very tired.
(Oh, on a different note, I finally saw Ocean's Twelve last night and really enjoyed it.)
Anywho, enough winging about my pain... on to winging about my day.
Here's what I need to take care of:
- Make adjustments to the 30thousanth-seven-twelveties version of ICARUS
- Print out two copies of said script
- Walk to the Rideau Centre to drop the scripts off to Stewart (He's meeting his dramaturg this evening... a week and a half before opening... hmmm?)
- Go over my lines for Survive This! the Eddie May show I'm performing tonight... with a bad back... oh, wait, I said I'd stop winging about that. sorry.
- Go over my lines for 52 Pick-up -- the media launch is this Tuesday and I'm presenting four scenes BY MY LONELY SELF!
- If I have time, finally sit down with one of my MFA readings. According to the schedule I made for myself, I need to read one more book this month. I guess I'd better get started on that eh?
- Oh, and I also have the standard clean-up after Stewart, do the dishes, empty the litter box and clean the floors.
You know, sometimes I really hate being a housewife/producer/student/actor! Makes me very very tired.
(Oh, on a different note, I finally saw Ocean's Twelve last night and really enjoyed it.)
At 4:51 PM,
Nancy Kenny said…
Tell Stewart to learn to use the toilet so you don't have to clean his litter box.
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